Minimal systems by Hyline

Minimal systems by Hyline®

Minimalistic design meets innovation in Premium Minimal systems

They are characterized by high energy performance, while excellent quality support services guarantee the best and most productive result throughout the entire life cycle of our products.

The training of human resources, combined with the respect and support of the professional as a partner, is the primary purpose of ETEM, as the network's goal is to provide solutions throughout the project's life cycle.

At ETEM, we work closely with each architect to understand their needs, desires and requirements. We propose optimal solutions at all levels and study how the specified systems will work harmoniously with the other elements - parts of the project and thoroughly analyze a project, identify its current and future needs, and provide solutions that are developed specifically for to meet technical, functional and design requirements.

Everything you need to know about ETEM's technical support and distribution network. At ETEM, we provide all forms of technical support to our partners, offering all the necessary tools, but also regular communication, in order to prevent and deal with all technical issues concerning a construction, throughout its life cycle.



Check our completed projects for some architectural inspiration


Naša unapređena rešenja su idealan izbor za ekološki prihvatljive zgrade...

odlikuje se visokim energetskim performansama, dok odličan kvalitet usluga podrške garantuje najbolji i najproduktivniji rezultat u celom životnom ciklusu naših proizvoda.

Specijalizovani ljudski resursi, u kombinaciji sa poštovanjem i podrškom profesionalaca kao partnera, primarni su cilj ETEM-a, jer je cilj mreže da obezbedi rešenja tokom životnog ciklusa projekta.

U ETEM-u blisko sarađujemo sa svakim arhitektom kako bismo razumeli njegove potrebe, želje i zahteve. Predlažemo najbolja rešenja na svim nivoima i proučavamo kako će navedeni sistemi funkcionisati harmonično sa ostalim elementima - delovima projekta i da temeljno analiziramo projekat, identifikujemo njegove trenutne i buduće potrebe i pružamo rešenja razvijena posebno da zadovolje tehničke, operativne i zahtevima dizajna.

Sve što treba da znate o pružanju tehničke pomoći i distributivnoj mreži ETEM-a.

U ETEM-u pružamo sve vidove tehničke podrške našim partnerima, nudeći sve potrebne alate i redovnu komunikaciju, kako bismo sprečili i rešili sve tehničke probleme u vezi sa građevinom, tokom njenog životnog ciklusa.


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