A helpful guide to choosing the best aluminium window system

Wed, 11/24/2021 - 15:39
A helpful guide to choosing the best aluminium window system

You ask, we answer.

When it comes to choosing aluminium doors and windows, there is a lot to consider in terms of practicality, aesthetic appeal, installation, and the material of your preference. Here is our guide with the most important steps that will help you find the right aluminium system for your home.


Step 1 Choose the category that suits you

When choosing aluminium windows and doors, you should consider several parameters: the type of project, the geographical location, and the climatic conditions. You should also pay attention to the size of the space to find a suitable system among all solutions we offer that for sure will provide the best performance for your case.

In different regions and countries we have different best sellers. Check them first!


Step 2 Prioritize your needs

Aluminium opening systems offer modern design, quality, and high efficiency.  There are plenty of options combining different styles and characteristics. You should prioritize your needs to buy the best product that fits perfectly your project.


  • Budget: A high-quality aluminium system is a one-time investment. You should check for the best-priced aluminium frame and go for the one that suits you. Be sure that our product portfolio offers the best value for your money.
  • Save energy and money in the long run: A key element to be considered is the climatic conditions of each region. The window frame performance and especially the thermal insulation plays a crucial role in saving money during extreme weather conditions.
  • Saving space: Sliding systems are those that are very practical and need less space. You can go for aluminium sliding solutions if you wish to have more light in a room or get the maximum view of the outside.
  • Security: Perimeter security and safety are critical factors in choosing window and door systems. Our systems have certified burglar resistant hardware that effectively protects your space. 
  • Aesthetics: It is up to your lifestyle. You can choose window frames in different colours, and textures, with minimalistic designs or with visible aluminium frames


Step 3 Request a written offer and evaluate the guarantees (products and original parts)

Every company that sells window frames in the European Union is obligated to provide a guarantee for its products. It’s important to check the warranty period provided by the producer and is the guarantee applied for other components and hadware.

We provide all system guarantees required by EU and local legislation. Our aluminium solutions are certified to meet all technical specifications and quality standards of the regions we operate.


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