Opening systems

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Врати и прозорци



We support you in every step

Everything you need to know about the provision of technical assistance and the distribution network of ETEM.

At ETEM we provide all forms of technical support to our partners, offering all the necessary tools, but also regular communication and interaction, in order to prevent and address all technical issues related to a construction, throughout its life cycle.

In addition to physical and online meetings, but also the constant updating of our digital material, ETEM provides to its partners


  • All the necessary Newsletters
  • Press releases of technical and commercial content
  • Easy access to the Download Center of ETEM where all the forms that accompany the systems are available (technical catalogues, product passports, certifications, etc.)

Based on the market need for fast service, the "Express product list" is provided to the partner network, which is updated automatically and in real time based on the availability of the warehouse.

In addition, its specialized staff takes care of learning the operation of the software, which serves in the detailed calculation of performance in order to fully meet the design specifications of each project, as well as its costing.

Whenever a new product is designed or when changes are made to existing solutions, ETEM takes care, through its consultants, to analyze and explain to its partners all the changes, the peculiarities and the technical characteristics.
