DIY: Tips for proper maintenance and cleaning of aluminium window frames

DIY: Tips for proper maintenance and cleaning of aluminium window frames

Aluminium is a material of high environmental stability and high anti-corrosion resistance. Aluminium profiles have an exceptional lifespan and remain unchangeable over time with minimum maintenance. The additional surface treatments also strengthen the aluminium frames and protect them from corrosion.

The good news is that the care needed on aluminium systems is minimal and you must clean only some key areas.

We summarize some tips on how to easily clean your window frames by yourself - while keeping them unchanged over time.

  1. Regular cleaning is necessary

Window cleaning is a process that should be carried out with a high frequency (e.g. every two months) because with frequent cleaning of windows precipitated dust does not stick and both color and texture are protected. The cleaning frequency is related to the environment to which the building is exposed. The extreme climate conditions weather and other external factors require more regular care.

You need to regularly remove dust from the windows, both from the surface and from the cross-section with a cloth or with a standard dust brush.

  1. Remove stains and other debris on time

During the aluminium frame installation process there are sometimes places where remnants of sealing materials remain such as silicone or other similar and related materials (e.g. paints, adhesives). It is advisable to remove stains and debris in time with lukewarm water and a soft cloth.

  1. Avoid using strong water jets

For convenience and time saving, many people use large amounts of water in combination with the increased pressure to clean the windows, which can create a problem.

  1. Pay attention to the seals (rubber, brushes)

Aluminium is an investment for very long time that often exceeds 40 years. Over time, seals (rubber and brushes) reduce their function and worsen the sealing of your room from the outside environment. For this reason, it is recommended that you replace it when the problem is detected.

  1. Lubricate the mechanisms

Lubrication of the mechanical parts of the window frames helps to reduce the friction of the moving parts. This applies to both openable (e.g. locking mechanism) and sliding (roller, handle) systems.

Our aluminium systems

Our certified partner network can meet the expectations of every homeowner! Our fabricators will provide you with the appropriate guidance on the cleaning and maintenance process to receive the best performance of your windows and doors.

With 50 years of experience and know-how, ETEM's energy efficient systems offer the upgrade you deserve as they are designed to combine functionality, performance and safety to satisfy even the most demanding user.

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