Minimal systems by Hyline

Minimal systems by Hyline®

Odlikuju se visokim energetskim performansama, dok odličan kvalitet usluga podrške garantuje najbolji i najproduktivniji rezultat tokom celog životnog ciklusa naših proizvoda.

Obuka ljudskih resursa, u kombinaciji sa poštovanjem i podrškom profesionalaca kao partnera, je primarna svrha ETEM-a, jer je cilj mreže da pruži rešenja tokom životnog ciklusa projekta.

U ETEM-u blisko sarađujemo sa svakim arhitektom kako bismo razumeli njihove potrebe, želje i zahteve. Predlažemo optimalna rešenja na svim nivoima i proučavamo kako će navedeni sistemi funkcionisati harmonično sa ostalim komponentama projekta i temeljno analiziramo projekat, identifikujemo njegove trenutne i buduće potrebe i obezbeđujemo rešenja koja su razvijena posebno da zadovolje tehničke, funkcionalne i zahtevi za projektovanje.

Sve što treba da znate o ETEM-ovoj tehničkoj podršci i distributivnoj mreži. U ETEM-u pružamo sve vidove tehničke podrške našim partnerima, nudeći sve potrebne alate, ali i redovnu komunikaciju, kako bismo sprečili i rešili sve tehničke probleme u vezi sa konstrukcijom, tokom njenog životnog ciklusa.


Podržavamo svaki vaš korak i profesionalnu potrebu.


We support you in every step

ETEM engineers and architects work closely with each architect to understand their needs, desires and requirements. They propose the best solutions at all levels and study how the systems that are specified will work harmoniously with the other elements - parts of the project. At ETEM, we have the ability to thoroughly analyze a project, identify its current and future needs, and provide solutions developed specifically to meet technical, operational and design requirements.

To the project stakeholders, designers, contractors and builders, we provide:

  • Complete documentation and support in the preparation of the submission files
  • Specification articles, technical description and invoice articles.
  • Support in Value Engineering processes with alternative proposals finding balances between aesthetics, functionality, performance and final value of solutions.

The specialized human resources in combination with the respect and support of the professional as a partner, is a primary goal of ETEM, as the goal of the network is to provide solutions throughout the life cycle of the project.
